I choose one of my previous works, which was designing an accessory for psycho personality. I am going to show different stages of my design process from research and sketching to developing and problem solving.
First step was brain storming my ideas. I was writing and sketching and documenting everything that seems interesting and relevant to my design. I was thinking about material, colour, shape and body part which this accessory will be connect to.
Then I start researching artists and their works. While I was researching different styles of designing jewellery and accessory I was inspired by the shapes and design of fly’s eyes. So I decided to make a glasses which looks like a fly’s eyes.I use 3D glasses and cover it with wire. The reason that I chose wire is that wire is shiny and flexible which makes it easy to work with and it also asthmatic. Then I cover the glasses with pills, because psycho people usually take pills. At last I painted the pills to look like diamonds.
Problem solving:
I don’t have enough material so I cut out some part of my design. As result I could be able to make it with less time and money.

After I finish my design I ask people to wear it to see if it is comfortable or not.
At last I made a short clip to present my work.
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