Thursday, 27 October 2011

"Fantasy Olympics"


Design a promotional advert for a fantasy Olympic bid.
Think of a futuristic sport.
Design an appropriate character or characters to compete within that
Imagine the location the sport is set in and the environment that the location is situated in.

IOC ¦ All together now from fxandmat on Vimeo.

Here is some of the characters that I've designed so far:

Monday, 15 August 2011

search engine software

I've been ask to design layout for search engine software. It basically can search a word in books you choose from the menu.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

The tree of life

I watched The tree of life last night at Broadway cinema. I read some reviews befor actually see the movie, and it seems that people are devided into two big groups. Group that believes that movie is too christian and boring and group that belives the movie is great. I have to go with the second group. I almose loved everything about it. All the camera movements, shots, whispers, voice overs, moments of silents and the way the movie was put together and was edited. It was a very well made movie. I left the theatre thinking about how amazing and beautiful our world is. It was 139 mins of meditating.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Thursday, 2 June 2011

First year!

I was so nervous about the presentation, but I think it went very well. I still dont have any plan for summer. I'll try to find summer job and in the mean time learn Maya, 3ds max,.....
This was my DVD. I took some photographs before I handed it in.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Haunted dollhouse!


Photo frames

This is one of the video from the photo frames scene of my animation.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

My little monster

I just fell in love with the voodoo doll I made! (*_*)


MY first sketch:

Sunday, 15 May 2011

My final edit- Ticket

The changes that I made in our group edit:
1. Each time the Sam character apear on the scene the colours are changing.
 I first saw this technic in 'Single man' directed by Tom Ford.

2. The green screen shots still look awful, but I try my best. This is the best result I could possibly have.

3. I make sam vanish(he disappears gradually).